Researchers found a link between Cannabis and Osteoporosis, not that easy nor direct, here is the story: 5HC (5 hydroxycannabinol) and other cannabinoids give Hashish its psychological effect by binding to special receptor sites in the body, namely two receptors are known; CB1 and CB2, CB1 is found on the surface of nerve cells, each of the receptors is controlled by a specific gene, but the CB2 gene receptor could not be located in any nerve cells whether central or peripheral. Recently such CB2 receprors were located on the surface of both osteoclast and osteoblast; the bone removing and bone forming cells, by switching the gene resposible for CB2 receptors on and off in experimental animals, the bone reacted by loosing or forming its trabeculae or struts as shown on the figure above; left with CB2 gene switched on and right with the same gene switched off. Switching on the CB2 receptor gene also prevented bone loss in ovarectomised mice, thus mimicking the effect of meopause. Hundreds of French healthy and Osteoporotic women were studies for the CB2 gene, and it was found that a CB2 gene defect leading to its inactivity increased the risk of Osteoporosis. What does this mean? A new way is emmerging to diagnose and treat Osteoporosis, a new way using cell receptors inteded to interact with cannabis? Strange, isnt it? Many women with Osteoporosis have normal CB2 gene, so there are other pathways for osteoporosis apart from this one, the research does not proove any connection with Hashish itself either, and Osteoporosis remains to be more risky in smokers whether the cigarretes are loaded or not. ...
Can i know if i have the CB2 gene or not?
Yes, but is it possible that it is good in one way or the other?
What is this BULLSHIT, propagating criminal habits is a crime man...
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