If one looks at anaesthesia and Egypt, many similarities are obvious, the patient first recieves a short acting injectable anaesthetic which knocks him down, then a paralysing agent is given to paralyse muscles, while the vocal cords are the target all muscles get paralysed -call it friendly fire if you wish-, then a tube is inserted past the lax vocal cords into the windpipe, finally an anaesthetic gas is given to keep the patient unconscious, paralysed, and senseless. This is GENERAL anaesthesia. In other instances anaesthesia is LOCAL or REGIONAL, in which the patient has no sensation in the operated part of the body but is still aware of surroundings, can hear and see but does not feel anything at the anaesthetic area, he is aware of surgery going on, but not of any further details.
The current state of affairs shows that Egyptians are by and large under general anaesthesia, and in certain instances under local anaesthesia.
54 years ago, Egypt recieved an intravenous injection of fast acting anaesthetic, the muscle relaxant followed shortly, and by 1954 or so it was fully intubated, and the long acting gas kept flowing since.
The present state of Egyptians related to consciousness is debatable, the dabate is not about being sober or not, the debate is about how much, the level of consciousness thats to say, this is not a new idea, Tawfiq El-Hakeem and Yusef Idriss have spoken wide and far in that matter, the usual stimuli that induce social pain and agony as we see it in other nations do not seem to initiate any pain reflex in Egyptians anymore, loss of reflex action is one cardinal element in the assessment of the level of consciousness, can one say that we are living in a state of national areflexia ?
Is Egypt in a state of sensory loss as well? It seems so; I am afraid, God have presented Egypt with a mild weather, so no one would easily die of frost bite or of heat stroke, but is it necissary to reach that level of pin prick, is it fine as long as no body dies, and even if he dies he was destined to... what about food, its amount and its quality, what about education and what it produces to this society, millions of culturally and mentally handicapped, what about the young people's hopes and aspirations for decent work, marriage, shelter, and health cover..... how come we don't see flocks of people somewhere shouting....AHHHH....
What is the antidote for our national anaesthesia, its not easy to say...isn't it? But one sure way is to stop the adminstration of the gas, would someone press the button and stop the gas, until we see what can we do.
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